Flu + teaching AI to play games
Flu and strange Ideas I have a cold/flu thing at the moment and feel rotten, due to interaction with my general health when I get even a mild cold or flu I get pain everywhere and due to the levels of pain killer I take normally, I just have to grin and bare it. The way I tend to cope is to keep my mind occupied to try and not think about it. Strangely this is often a creative time in terms of random thoughts, I guess the body pushes more natural drugs into me to try and counteract the pain leading to me being a bit 'drugged'. Thinking about teaching (not training) AIs Last night I was deep in thought about Deep AIs, as you may have noticed from my recent blog posts is something I'm really enjoying and TBH can see myself working in the field. Before the fame of the recent AlphaGo wins, Deepmind were tackling other simpler games from the Atari 2600 machine. The paper "Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning" successfully learnt to play a number