A large scale archival storage system - ERC Reinenforcement

About 5 years ago, I came close to starting a tech company selling archival level storage systems. Part of the idea was an algorithm and technique I developed that efficiently stores large data reliably.

I wrote up a patent, even pushed it through the 1st phase of the UK patent system, but then decided not to go ahead. Effectively the not-patent is now open for anyone.

Its designed for large scale system, thousands of storage devices and isn't necessarily fast. However for large archival storage is saves significant storage devices over the tradition RAID systems. So if data retention is really important this is an idea that might be worth investigating...

The best example of its utility is that a 1000 storage unit system would have higher resilience and more disks used for storage than a RAID71 (the best normal system) system of similar size.

Anyway I found one of the drafts so though I'd publish it here (including typos!). I never actually published it though beyond the entry to the patent office so figured I might as well do it now!


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